Agnieszka Smugła
Poet's Self Presentation

Agnieszka Smugła – a poet from Poland, born and living in Gdansk.

The beginnings of her adult writing adventure are associated with a poetic chat run by Michał Zabłocki. She found it out by accident and settled down there.

Since November 2014 she has been publishing her poems on eMultipoetry ( – these are mainly miniatures for the "Poems on the Walls" competition. So far about 120 of her texts have been selected and displayed on the facade of the tenement house at the corner of Bracka Street and the Main Square in Cracow.

She is a member of the Gdansk Poets Club. Her poems were published in the anthologies of the Club entitled: “Aspekty 2016” (“Aspects 2016”), “Aspekty 2017” (“Aspects 2017”), “Kochaj, albo…” (“Love, or ...”) and “jak po tym wszystkim wiersze pisać” (“how to write poems after that all”). They were also published in literary and artistic magazines such as "Czas Literatury" and "Neony Tożsamość".