Armas Hiiri is a poet, translator and philologist. He was born on 15 February 1935 in a village district of the Leningrad area, in so-called Ingermanland. By nationality he is ingermanland Finn. He currently lives in Finland in Turku.
Armas Hiiri spent his childhood in Siberia, in Omsk. He lived In Karelia from 1949. Finished the Karelian Pedagogical University. Worked in schools of working young people. For many years was a fellow at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Karelian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Hiiri has scientific works on the problems of Finland literature. Printed the first verses in 1954. Published 12 written in verse books in Russian language under a pseudonym Oleg Mishin and six collections in native Finnish language under a pseudonym Armas Hiiri. Two his collections "“Heating Main" (1972) and "Snow on cannons" (1980) came into the world in Moscow. His best books in Finnish language: "Roots in sky" (1980), "Time changes in us" (1992), "Time, when wings grow" (2000). In Finnish mainly writes with a free verse.
Laureate of Karelia award by the name of А. Perttunen. Honored Worker of Culture of Russia and Karelia, awarded the Order of Friendship. His Scientific Heritage includes many literary criticism articles, writings on the problems of the Finnish Swedish-language literature (in order to study this subject he studied Swedish). From 1990 to 2005 - Chairman of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Karelia. Foreign member of the "Society of Finnish Literature," a member of the "Society" Kalevala ".
Armas Hiiri is known as a translator into Russian and Finnish languages. Together with specialist in folklore Eino Kiuru translated into the Russian language the epos "Kalevala", that was published in a separate book in 1998. It is one of the major works of his life. Many texts are fixed on music. Therefore, performing unique Finnish translation of poems of Russian classics from Derzhavin to our contemporaries.