José Fanha
Poet's Self Presentation

José Fanha was born in Lisbon and graduated in architecture. Poet and reciter, participated in thousands of cultural animation sessions, accompanying by the so-called group Badaleiros together with other very famous Portuguese  artists like José Afonso, Adriano Correia de Oliveira, Francisco Fanhais; Manuel Freire; José Jorge Letria; Carlos Alberto Moniz, Fausto, among others.


He is the author of stories and poetry for children, playwright and dramaturg, author of lyrics for songs and texts for radio, television and film scriptwriter.


He has directed poetry and writing workshops and developed intense work promoting poetry and invested very much in the promotion of books and reading in libraries and schools all over the country.


Bibliography related to Poetry:


"Cantigas da dúvida e do perguntar" (1970)

“Olho por olho” (1976);

"Busca" (1977)

"Cartas de marear" (1985)

"O riso das aves" (1987)

"Breve tratado das coisas da arte e do amor" (1995);

"Eu sou português aqui" (1995);

"Elogio dos peixes das pedras e dos simples" (1999);

"Tempo azul" (2003);

"Poemas da linha da frente: a guerra" em conjunto com José Jorge Letria(2003);

"Poesia" (2012)

"Francisco", com colagens de João Abel Manta (2015).