Laima Kreivytė - a well know Lithuanian poet and art critic – studied at Vilnius Academy of Arts and at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. Her main interest is in the interaction between image and text. She organizes art exhibitions: at the Venice Biennale she was responsible for the Lithuanian pavilion, which showcased the Lithuanian artist Žilvinas Kempinas (currently living and working in New York City). She has published a poetry book “Sapfo skai(s)tykla”. Further, she produces and presents poetic performances, as well as participating in art exhibitions as a member of a group “Cooltūristės”.
She has translated into Lithuanian some poems of Adrienne Rich, Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bishop.
Opening ceremony of the poetry festival TARP 2012 at the National Arts Gallery (Vilnius). Performace “A Space Garden” (Laima Kreivytė, Žygimantas Kudirka, Gabrielė Labanauskaitė and Darius Jurevičius):
Presentation of the poetry book "Sapfo skai(s)tykla" at the library of Vilnius Academy of Arts:
Poetry readings: Giedrė Kazlauskaitė, Laima Kreivytė
"Cooltūristės" performances: