Dear Drake
Authors: Žygimantas Kudirka x Gabija Grušaitė x Valentinas Klimašauskas | Year of Creation: 2016 | Published: 2016-09-23

This poem was written by Žygimantas Kudirka x Gabija Grušaitė x Valentinas Klimašauskas

Method: This poem was written while watching the Drake - hotline bling music video. Every writer had to write a line with a timecode of a video - reacting to things shown on screen or to other writer's nearby sentence. The final poem has a form of online comments. The text is polylingual. Just like the things on the internet.

Please play the song while reading:


00:07 Pokalbiai prie vandens sifono. 
Bubbly bubbles bubblicious - “Someone hyperactive but fun,” says Urban Dictionary.
00:17 eye rolling

00:21 šiame hotline departamente kalba vien merginos 

00:22 aš pavadinčiau tai call-me-babe centru hehehehehe

00:30 hotline bling + Turell = deep love

00:31 square cubicles become rhombus which is an emotional and narrative change - the phantasy is going somewhere

00:34 cia ta Kenio parka is South Park?

00:43 dabar aisku kaip Drake isirengtu lofta. Kam ta lova baby maybe

01:05 detektyvas: why did he leave the city?

01:08 vertical structure, a staircase - is it possible to move vertically as in social mobility in this video? Or is it about being in a bubble, as in a fantasy passion? Male phantasy is square, hotline workers are bubblicious although the cubicles are obviously square, separated by partitions.

01:20 he changes his shirt, right? Nope, Drake wears Nike under his hoody.

01:28 dalinė apdaila

01:31 gentle baby pink room with a liquid pink sky. I can sense some Froid here

01:32 tai narrative structure yra apie liūdną vyrą kuris no longer controls his woman’s body ir dėl to užsideda džempą su pelėda ir išeina biški meno pažiūrėt į square box

01:34 ar moterys virtuvėje jaučiasi taip pat? Na, tarkim, vakarais ir jei virtuvėje yra lavos lempa?..

01:57 what the fuck is he talking about?

01:58 check out

02.05 kas nutinka kai uzpili tais laiptais?

02:34 my god the moves, he got the moves. Kazakhstan heritage deep deep baby

02:08 taip, laiptai ir yra sutverti sėdėti

02:21 a little owl on your t shirt shows you’ve got a heart

02:24 is it always like: pink goes for vagina?

02:44 these walls… exactly like @ Daniel Libeskind’s Jewish museum in Berlin

02:48 this can only mean one thing - a story on why humanity constantly fails

02:55 the AI, not the girl, Her, a shell, no ghost

03:24 Drake sako just be yourself not someone else. Listen

03:26  just be yourself - upcoming nike slogan? 

03:33 call me on my cellphone, I don’t have one. 

03:41 Quadrupulous! Quadrupulastic! Quadrupulicious!

04:38 sex with clothes on not only turns me on. It’s also safe!

04:40 cia kaip walk through Drake unconscious flow of mind and it gets square ir zmones sedi ant laiptu, truksta tik semkiu ir galbut kad masina ivaziuotu 

04:45 an ode to blockhouses, to Fabai, Koralai, Šilainiai, Brooklyn, Harlesden.

04:48 jis visąlaik su britų geezeriais trynės

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