Juha Kulmala
Poet's Self Presentation

Juha Kulmala (b.1962) is a Finnish poet living in Turku, with four collections published so far, the fifth coming out soon. His collection "Pompeijin iloiset päivät" ("The Merry days of Pompeii") was given the national Dancing Bear -poetry award 2014, granted by the Finnish public service broadcasting company Yle. And his collection "Emme ole dodo" ("We’re not a Dodo") was awarded the 2011 national Jarkko Laine -prize as the best Finnish fiction of the previous two years. Kulmala's poetry is rooted in beat, surrealism and expressionism and often makes use of wry, laconic humor. His poems have been translated into several languages. He has performed in many festivals and clubs, e.g. in England, Germany, Russia, Estonia and Turkey, sometimes with musicians or other fellow artists. He is also the chairman of the annual Poetry Week Festival at Turku.