At the end of August/ beginning of September The International Culture Association of Turku (TKKY) organized three public poetry reading events. The events aimed to increase immigrant students’ interest in Finnish poetry and encourage them to read out loud the poems in Finnish language.
Three groups of students with migration backgrounds participated in these events. The students read poems also in their own languages, and thus promoted less widely used languages (LWUEL) and multilingualism.
The events were attended by over 70 participants, who were introduced to the ePublisher project and the poetry platform, also the upcoming activities and international festivals.
On Sunday, September 11, TKKY will organize an excursion to Helsinki. The most active ePublisher paltform users from Turku, Raisio and Kaarina will be given the opportunity to visit the monuments of Finnish poets and read there Runeberg’s, Kivi’s and Lonnrot’s poems.
On 10-12 June 2016 Multikultura hosted the meeting of the poets, the users of poetic platform ePublisher.
On Friday, 3rd June, at Coffee Inn situated in the heart of Vilnius’ old town SIH organised a meeting with a famous contemporary poet Rimvydas Stankevičius – ePublisher poet of the month of April.
“Piçarra em Pessoa” is a very interesting poetry show based on a poetry book, wirtten by Diogo Piçarra, which evoques on of the most famous Portuguese poets of all times, Fernando Pessoa.